Millie Turner: Swimming Pool

Millie Turner dazzles in her latest release ‘Swimming Pool’. Turner’s soothing vocals that march alongside innovative beats are sure to leave you in a trance. Her breathy and eloquent vocal delivery, cemented within a effacing, yet mighty arrangement sends the feeling of being isolated, but in the calmest way possible. 

The origin story of ‘Swimming Pool’ begins with a poem from Millie Turner, telling, “a story of a group of kids that destroy this old historic building, setting it on fire, breaking down its traditional walls. They then escape from the chaos, retreating to the walls of the swimming pool. They stay there together, muffling out the sound of chaos outside. It’s about rebellion, liberation and then escapism, stepping away and escaping in this swimming pool”. 

Turner’s lyricism, melded with her graceful vocal and sonic arrangement will send ripples through your system as you listen, similar to a light breeze sending ripples through a swimming pool.