Brad Jordan Interview: Come Down

Brad Jordan’s first track of 2019 ‘Come Down’ gives listeners the chance to relish in the memories of freedom and dare-devilishness as youths. Jordan navigates the feeling of looseness and liberation through zooming beats and paced vocal delivery. We chat to Brad Jordan about the journey to ‘Come Down’ and how life as a uni student and music enthusiast influences his beats.

Can you talk about the making of Come Down?
I always had great memories of high school parties without a care in the world and wanted to capture that feeling. I went to my boy Marc’s house, and in one session finished the beat. From then it went to the writing process, which for me generally takes at least a month as I try to get every word sounding right within the story.

When was the idea first born?
I wanted to write a song that first reminds myself of all the good memories from the underage party days, but also allows the listener to reminisce. That way it’s a feel-good song for all that listen!

How long was it in the making before release?
From beginning to end – about 2 years! Sounds long I know but I’ve had to juggle music with work, uni and a social life so that 2 years gets put into perspective. But that long time also allows you to really perfect the song, from the lyrics to the final mix.

How has hearing people’s feedback post release been?
Everyone that has given me feedback has been extremely positive, which is very heart-warming! One of my mates said it made him feel like he was back at the house we always used to go to for high school parties, so for me to hear that the imagery in this song could transport the listener like that is all I can ask for as an artist!

What has being a student taught you about making music?
It’s definitely showed me the importance of balancing my time between the different aspects of my life, finding time for my passion whilst still doing assignments and study. I think it has also showed me that hard work and time spent on something leads to success, so I know that if I keep making music it will all work out eventually!

Can you talk about what’s helped you keep expanding your sound?
Definitely listening to all genres; it allows you to carve your own sound out and increases your versatility. That’s 100% my number one piece of advice for young artists.

How has branching out solo given you more confidence in testing the waters with new sounds and genres?
It allows you to be yourself. Whilst starting off as a duo was extremely necessary because I wouldn’t have had the confidence as a 15-year-old to have made the music I did, working as a duo means sometimes you have to compromise on the sound you’re trying to achieve. Going solo means you make all the shots.

Do you think the process of making music has been more fulfilling because you’re constantly innovating your style?
Yea 100%, it’s definitely more fulfilling when you’re able to branch your sound out into more genres.

What can we expect next from you?
A 7 track E.P. with ‘Come Down’ on it coming in the next few months! Keep an eye out.