Guard: I’m Calling the Cops Interview

Guard’s new single ‘I’m Calling the Cops’ uses elaborate, climactic production as he narrates the desolation and gloom of heartbreak. The singer is no stranger to creating dynamically and disruptively. As an owner of multiple Instagram meme accounts, Guard has grasped the art of innovating and risk taking, evident in this new track. We talk media culture and music below!

Can you talk about what life is like juggling two creative and culturally significant endeavours in music and creating memes?
It’s great haha. I love art, I love being creative & I love pop culture. Having the opportunity to reach people in any respect, whether it be through music or silly memes is awesome. It is a lot of time spent on my phone though

Do you think despite one being a more humorous reflection of you, and the other being a more melancholic representation, you have a similar outlook and mindset when creating?
Yeah totally! They both reflect different aspects of my personality but I approach them in similar ways. I’m trying to build a world for my art to live in. For music, it is all about the visuals & the lyrics & just being as true to myself as I can. When it comes to the memes, I try to listen to what my audience is telling me & curate an interactive meme experience. 

Where have you found it easier to build momentum and traction?
I think I have always understood social media and internet culture. I actually got into Instagram quite late compared to my friends, but I figured out how to network & grow quite quickly. I don’t think I consciously started making memes to build a big audience, but I am super happy I stuck at it.

What has dabbling in both spheres taught you about getting the attention of people in such a saturated economy? 
I think I’ve just learnt to respect the power of the internet and I have become more mindful of what I put out into the digital world. On my meme pages, I talk quite openly about my struggles with depression & anxiety. But I try to frame it in a hopeful, optimistic way. I think it’s important to put out positive energy into the sometimes toxic digital society.

The track begins on a heavy, emotionally scarred note, but picks up the pace as it elapses. 

How was finding the balance between gripping people with increased intensity, without making it too positive?
The song was produced by my awesome friend Matt Ferree. It was originally a bit more down tempo and laid back but we got this dope producer Umru to jump on and change it up a little bit. And I think he killed it. There wasn’t a conscious effort to make the song sound a certain way, I was just super depressed at the time, but also wanted to make something fun.

Is production something you usually are responsible for?
I’m very vocal in the studio & know what I like. I am very open to suggestions though & love collaborating. At the moment I have just been focusing on the songwriting side of it, but am slowly learning to be more self-sufficient.

Why was this included and how do you think it brings another dimension to the song?
I think we just really wanted to sonically represent how I was feeling at the time of making this music. I was super super depressed, in another country, dealing with a lil breakup….I guess I was being a bit of a drama queen, but at the time that pain was very real to me & I hope that the music captures some of this.

How was it to bring people on board with a wealth of knowledge and get their insight/perspectives on making music?
It has been an awesome learning experience. I love music so much, and being around others who share this passion, is so good for the soul. 

The track has plenty of atmospherics and sound effects that match the lyrics scattered throughout. 

What do you think making music and creating in this climate has taught you about yourself?
Authenticity is the most important thing to your artistry. People can see through manufactured bullshit. People want truth and honesty and real emotions. 

What has it taught you about the music industry and its convergence with other forms of media? 
I think if anything, the power of memes over the past few years has really been solidified in society. Memes make careers & perception is everything.

Lastly, can we expect a music video or any other exciting releases alongside or after this single?
Yes! I have an ‘I’m Calling the Cops’ music video coming out very very soon! It’s a trip. At this stage, I’m hoping to put out a new song every month & really tell my story.

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