Jackson Carroll: 5 Reasons to Raise ‘Holy Hell’

1. You’ve can’t stop talking about your favourite TV show:
I’ve been on this planet for only a few years, but one thing I’ve learned in my short time is that you can only rave about ‘Fargo’ for so long before you start to alienate your friends, family and assorted loved ones. What do you do when confronted with this reality? Get so off your face that everyone forgets how much you’ve ranted about ‘Fargo’ in the past, then start all over again, baby.
2. You’ve just submitted an assignment that you probably didn’t spend enough time on:
I’m no stranger to the experience of submitting an assignment that, truthfully, wasn’t all it could be – to be frank, I’m more than well acquainted with said experience. But at the end of the day, you can’t change the past. Revel in the victory of simply getting the darn thing in on time and live it up before you start the process all over again. Or, get your head down, ass up and focus on getting your priorities squared away for the future. I’m not gonna be the guy to tell you what to do with your free time.
3. You’re attending a local theatre performance:
Make no mistake, I’m not encouraging anyone to get so blind at the theatre that you don’t remember it or, worse yet, ruin the experience for your fellow theatregoers. In my experience, however, a nice glass of wine before the doors open is a great way to get in the zone and feel nice and sophisticated while you’re at it. Double win if you can take it into the room with you.
4. You’ve settled down for a quiet night in:
Drinking, particularly in the great southern land, is primarily associated with nights out, piss-ups and some generally rambunctious behaviour. But sometimes, just sometimes, the best course of action when the sun goes down is to crack open a beer or a glass of wine, turn off the lights and settle in for a nice documentary or feature film. Believe me, it’s a surprisingly rewarding experience.

5. You’re watching live music:
When it comes to the experience of watching live music, sometimes revelling in a stellar performance is enough to get the crowd good and happy. But, in my experience, a good drinking song or sea shanty can be the final touch that gets everyone up and moving as one. That’s my theory, anyway. I don’t know any good sea shanties.