JXN: Solitude


You may recognise Jackson Brazier as the comedic YouTube sensation and online personality. Under his new moniker JXN (pronounced Jackson), he strips himself down to his most bare and reflective layer in his debut single ‘Solitude’.

Just shy of three minutes, the track is brutally honest and candid about destructive, wounded relationships that one always finds themselves running back to.

JXN initially hints at the juxtaposition that flourishes through ‘Solitude’ through the artwork. Using a deep red and a rose positioned near a lock, he portrays a collision of passionate love and anger, as well as symbolising love and devotion that is sometimes undeniably unattainable.

In a partnership with Swedish writer and producer Johan Gustafson, JXN allows himself to meticulously map out a story through the heavily melancholic lyrics and sturdy, robust vocals. He describes the underlying theme of the track as “something pretty much everyone has been through,” so the universality is something that will certainly run through the veins of many.

The craftiness of JXN doesn’t just stop there. He projects his innermost thoughts with an aura of eeriness, but injects an addictive quality to the track with his play on the production and arrangements. He boasts his musical smarts, curating a track that blends a unique softness through guitar, boding well alongside the modern RnB and pop elements.

The eclecticism of the production on ‘Solitude’ makes it perfect, “as a bedroom song or a rainy car day song. Looking out the window with the rain, headphones on,” JXN states.

One listen to ‘Solitude’ and your eyes will be wide open and receptive to the artistry of Jackson Brazier. As a musician, he has certainly tapped into his niche, and showcases to the world his potential, transcending beyond his humour and wits.

Listen to JXN’s ‘Solitude’ here. Stream and purchase now.