Mighty Oaks celebrate the present on Forget Tomorrow

Mighty Oaks release their latest single Forget Tomorrow, yet again gracing listeners with their punchy folk sensibilities. In an ode to the trio’s loved ones, the track explores the caveat to chasing dreams and pursuing the passion of music; leaving dear family members and friends behind. 

Forget Tomorrow draws on the sacrifice made to become a touring musician, including the aching goodbyes, long periods of separation and isolation. “Playing live is definitely something we thrive on as a band. The energy of a live show, the immediate feedback from the crowd…those things… are the reason why we play music,” says singer Ian Hooper.

Leaving the family isn’t easy for anyone, especially when you mix in different time zones and crazy schedules. I met my wife right before the band found success. Ever since she’s known me, she’s known me as a touring musician. No matter how many times I’ve left to go on tour, it’s always like the first time for her, and it never gets easier for her to watch me walk out the door“, Hooper continues.

Nonetheless, Mighty Oaks inject a glimmer of brightness, shifting the focus of the track towards a proposition to revel in the present, and savour the moment, rather than look ahead into the indefinite future.