Nicole Millar dissociates from negativity on ‘Favours’

Nicole Millar builds on her craft with the gritty and cut-throat new single Favours. Cemented with synths whilst reflecting on a dark and calamitous period of time, Millar migrates her pop sensibilities into an edgier and more pronounced mould. 

Held up by warped synths and magnetic vocals, Favours is the introduction to confronting “a rough year with a lot of changes” experienced by the singer song-writer. To Millar, the track is a song about “how I’ve got no praise, or money left for this person”. 

Recruiting past collaborators Muki and Kilter to the project, Nicole Millar ties up any loose ends, and closes up a chapter where she dissociates from those manipulating, and not serving her energy.

“[Muki and I] really hit it off and couldn’t stop talking about everything that had been going on in our lives. It just became clear to write a song about this person that had made my life dull… but have a cheeky bounce to it”, says Millar. 

A snippet of what to expect in the future from Millar, the track steers listeners to imagine a more candid and sharp sound from the singer. “I’ve been calling my music smooth, dark chocolate with hints of mint”, Millar teases.